Are You Living a Life Pleasing to God? Yes, But You May Be Doing It Wrong

This is my brother and I at a Minor League Baseball game… look at those arms!

My little brother is a physical therapist. It’s interesting to me, he asks some of his patients to do things they are incapable of doing.

For example, Nancy had heart surgery, she’s 93 years old, and hasn’t gotten up from her bed in a week. My brother will look at her and give a gentle command, “Walk down the hallway and back.”

This is impossible! Why would he call this weak woman to something she's incapable of?

Similarly, God is Holy, meaning set apart and perfect. To live a life pleasing to Him, he demands perfection.

God’s gentle command to us is this, “Go live a life pleasing to Me. Go live a life like I would do if I were you.” Okay, what would Jesus do if He were me? He’d go to church— check. He’d be nice to homeless people— check. He wouldn’t murder anyone— got it!

Yet, we're still unsatisfied. We’re failures! We can't live the Christian life by our own strength. Because of our sin (moral imperfection) we can not please God.

This is an impossible task! Why would He call you, this weak human being, to something you are incapable of?

My brother shows us the answer.

After giving Nancy an impossible task, he will gently wrap a fabric belt around her chest. He will hold her tightly by the belt (my brother has some big arms) and help her down the hallway. In a few short minutes, she has accomplished the task!… thanks to my brother who carried her.

“Are you so foolish? After beginning by the Spirit, are you now finishing by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:3)

You trusted Jesus because you knew you needed His strength. When it comes to living the Christian life, why do you reject Him?

Pleasing God with our lives is NOT something we do by checking off a to-do list. No, it is being fueled and empowered by God’s Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit lives within all believers; however, not every believer has tapped into His power.

He is the strength you need to walk in purity today.

He is the strength you need to read your Bible today.

He is the strength you need to go to work today.

He is the strength you need to love your family today.

Nancy could not have walked down that hallway alone. My brother's strong arm carried her. Do you live a life fully dependent on God’s Spirit? That’s the only way you will live a life pleasing to Him.

Without understanding the role of the Spirit, the next email will feel like legalism.

Helpful Tools for Your Journey

Check out this sermon on the Power of the Holy Spirit from a preacher and commentator that has helped me so much.

Read through this article from a friend of mine that will train you on how to live by the Holy Spirit.


Discover the Bible: How to Spend 30 Minutes with Jesus