A Week In Hebrews

To the student seeking a more intimate time with Jesus,

Do NOT miss this opportunity to slow down, remove distractions, and spend time in God’s word. The next five days are not real life. There are no exams, no family drama, and few responsibilities.

More than that, you are handed a tremendous opportunity for success! Hopefully, you have roommates that also want to develop their walk with Jesus (if not, be Spiritual leader of that group). You have Cru staff willing and able to coach you in your time with Jesus. Finally, you have a schedule that is conducive to PLENTY of time with Jesus.

“The spirit is able but the flesh is weak.” -Jesus

Pray that God empowers your weak flesh to spend time with Him this week.

This guide is designed to help you read nearly the entire book of Hebrews during your five day spring break. I would encourage you to go slower if you have to but don’t go any faster. The goal is not to spend one week in God’s Word but a LIFETIME in God’s word. This tool is designed to help you develop a love of God’s word and a rhythm of time with Him.


If you want to stay connected, reach out to me here:

Or at Patrick.Keene@Cru.org

Getting Started: Laying a Foundation

Watch this video before you get started.

Pro tip: I watch videos like this before I start any new book of the Bible. You can find a Bible Project video for nearly every book of the Bible by:

1) Go to Youtube.com

2) Typing in the name of the book an “Bible Project”— example, “Hebrews Bible Project”

Daily Outline

1) Short prayer (1 min)

Spend just a couple of minutes speaking your prayers in your mind or writing your prayer in a journal. Pray something to the effect of:

“God, please open up Your Word to me.”

2) Read the designated passage (15 min)

Pro Tip: Usually, when I read the New Testament I only read a half of a chapter or a chapter at a time. However, to read the entire book of Hebrews in five days you will need to read two chapters per day. If you are enjoying your time in God’s Word and enjoy the slow pace then PLEASE SLOW DOWN! This is not a race. Be sure to take time to sit in God’s word.

3) Read a commentary (15 min)

Neither you nor I know everything about the text we are reading. Thanks to faithful followers of Christ before us we can stand on the shoulders of giants. By reading a commentary we can see clear connections between the passage and other parts of scripture, we can be motivated by quotes from believers in the past, and moved to clear application from scripture.

The trick is, finding a commentary that is easy to read, accessible, and trustworthy. I suggest my students read David Guzik. I will be using his commentary for throughout this tool. I like this commentary because it is high quality, easily accessible, and free.

Pro tip: When I am short on time, I will skim this commentary while other times I will read every word. Do whatever keeps you spiritually connected to the text. The goal here is to have a framework for what you just read.

**For further context, Guzik has YouTube videos walking through a lot of the Bible.

4) Finally, pray, and reflect (5 min)

This would be a great time to journal your thoughts and prayers. I don’t have the time to write a tool for my journalling process so feel free to reach out to me on instagram in the meantime.

I have added a “Reflective Song” on the rundown. Sit quietly throughout the reflective song and pray to Jesus.

Pro tip: choose a verse or theme and pray it back to Jesus.

Day 1: Hebrews 1

Hebrews 1

Guzik on Hebrews 1

Reflective Song

Day 2: Hebrews 2

Hebrews 2

Guzik on Hebrews 2

Reflective Song

Day 3: Hebrews 3

Hebrews 3

Guzik on Hebrews 3

Reflective Song

Day 4: Hebrews 4

Hebrews 4

Guzik on Hebrews 4

Reflective Song

Day 5: Hebrews 5

Hebrews 5

Guzik on Hebrews 5

Post Spring Break: Hebrews 6-13

Keep it up! Build up a rhythm of spending time in God’s word.


The 5-Minute Prayer Primer: God Hears Me in the Morning


Paul’s Secret: Praying for Christ’s Strength in the New Year