Paul’s Secret: Praying for Christ’s Strength in the New Year

Alice and I getting in some target practice before deer season this past fall. This picture comes to mind as we set our sites on 2024.

What do I want out of 2024?

I suppose this as good a time as any to reflect on this.

I want to know Jesus more than I do now, but what does that mean? Does it mean I will take time to read his word and reflect? Great! I would like that. Or does it mean I will wallow in the pity of my own failure for 12 more months? The thought makes me want to die!

If I say “I want Jesus” what contract am I signing my name to? I shake at the thought.

Still yet, I do want to know Jesus. I commit to wanting to know Jesus! There was a time I prayed that God would do his will with me; that he would take me wherever he wanted me to go. He was the captain and my life was the ship. I thought the most radical answer to my willingness would be some far-flung foreign mission field— that doesn’t scare me.

Now, I soberly stare at the prospect of a continued slide into 2024 and I’m scared. I know God would meet me there but I don’t want to go!

2024 can not be as bad as 2023. Like a drowning man I hold my breath waiting for a gasp of fresh air. This has been my hope for months! However, am I so foolish to be optimistic about next year? No one else shows my positive attitude. Nothing really changes when the ball drops.

Christ’s Strength: I’ll have what Paul’s having

"Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

Philippians 4:11-13

Paul admits to surviving on “almost nothing” yet states he was never “in need.” He was content in every situation. His secret? Christ gives him strength.

Paul (as with everyone) was underserving of salvation, much less, Christ’s strength. I suppose Christ could have granted us salvation without offering his strength but he goes above and beyond. He holds no good thing back from us. The strength of Jesus is of more value than money in the bank or food in the fridge.

So here I am. I watch 2023 set like the sun and wonder if 2024 will “rear it’s ugly head” or open up to me like a gift— I don’t know the answer. I am sober minded, if things go well I will be living on “almost nothing” for a few more months. That is if things go well! “Almost nothing” will be in my future for better or worse.

Based on Paul’s words, what I really need for 2024 is Christ’s strength. Have I ever needed strength more in my life? I can barely get out of bed! I feel the trauma in my Bowles. Even as I type away on this computer I am anxious about what needs to be done today.

Coud I possibly be stronger in Christ by December 2024? What would that even look like? I want to trust him! I want contentment! Am I so stupid to think I can build a physique without the pain of the gym? This is the gym. This is the pain of testing God’s trustworthiness. This is the pain of beating my heart into submission and finding contentment in Jesus.

So, I will confidently say in 2024 I want and need God’s strength. That is my number one prayer!

Praying for Strength in 2024

Thank you, Jesus, for this pain. Thank you for the “almost nothing” of a situation I find myself in. I imagine being successful without you and I hate it. Make me hate it more! Give me your strength in 2024 and forevermore. This is what I want. Amen.


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