Pray with Me: Sending Students to the World
This is TK. Young men in our movement had a lot of conversations with him before he put his faith in Jesus. I was so grateful that he let me be a part of his baptism!
Earlier this month I found myself flipping burgers at MSU Cru’s End of the Year Cookout. Over 60 of our students gathered for one last hoorah before leaving for the summer… Have I ever been responsible for cooking so much food? How did we get here?
As I’ve said over and over, the last two years of ministry have been so much fun. It is not fun simply because numbers are growing, it’s fun because students lives are being changed by other students!
In a quick moment of reflection I made mental notes…
… there’s TK, he’s a new believer (pictured above).
… there’s Dennison, a freshman who will be a key leader next semester.
… there’s a fringe student… I didn’t expect to be here
… there’s a first time student from the Pagan club on campus (I was surprised!)
… there’s Brooklyn, she’s been involved with us 4 years! Now she’s graduating on mission.
The Philippian church was the fruit of Paul’s ministry. He called them his “joy and crown.” The word Paul uses for crown is like an Olympic wreath. This body of believers that Paul has cultivated is his crown!
In the heat of burger flipping I was reflecting on these students, my trophy!
But I’m not writing to you today to show off my trophy. No, I am writing to you to help you open your eyes to your own trophy! As you invest financially and co-labor with these students in prayer you, too, can revel in our reward.
You are an integral part of everything that happens in this movement.
Acts 1:8: MSU Students Go to the World!
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” -Jesus
This summer we have eight students investing their summer on a Cru Summer Mission. This is a great opportunity for them to trust Jesus, grow in their faith, and come back to campus with an excitement for the Gospel!
I elaborate more in the podcast… here’s the short version. Will you pray for these students?
Pray that Christ’s name is proclaimed to unreached people groups by MSU students.
Pray these students on Summer Mission experience a healthy uncomforatbility that bring them closer to God.
Pray for the safe return of all students involved!